Sunday, April 12, 2009

a lovely hapi day had turn into a night mare..

Hi everyone...
Had promise u all to blog but i did not keep my promise...i am so sorry..was bz with my project and my final is comin...i was worry..

well, i blog today cos i dunno whr to express out my feelin..i am totally lost again...why i alwiz face tis type of is my expectation too high??i reali dunno...admit i fall for a person tat is love me...the way he express himself reali felt differently...he sms me everyday so do i...admit i am in love....

i havin high fever which is 39 celcius..
shock off my life.....
but i will recover soon...

he was bz with assignment....i dunno why i felt uneasy and i reali miss him...i did not knw does he felt the same way toward me...i cant read mind all sudden..i was totally blank..i reali wanna to knw how he felt for me and why does he express tis way..all the while i am strong and i will not fall for anyone thou they come after me....but tis time is totally different..i dunno how to say but reali different....

wat shud i do????
how would i knw he is same think as me???

if we were together......
alot question thou come into my mind...and so on...
but i did not wanted to care much as long i love him and he does so....

dear, i reali love u does u felt it....dun tell me all the while sms tat u express is the love tat u wanted to devoted in???can u tell me???i reali wanna to knw....:'(

ps:sleepless nite...i am death crying....

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